Sunday, May 15, 2011

What...? Blogging...?

Well I have to say that it is now official. Blogging and working on Facebook are the most unusual aspects of missionary work that I have experienced thus far on my mission. When I first heard of the idea of working on the Internet with tools like Facebook and Blogs, I thought, " Wow how cool would it be to be someone who would get the chance to help spearhead a project like that. " Then came the actual Facebook and Blogging work. Facebook has been interesting to say the least. Blogging however has been something totally different.

I sit and I wait. I sit and I think about the days since the last blog that I wrote. I ponder and wonder what it is that I could share online with people that could possibly help them understand what it means to be a missionary for a loving Lord and Savior. I wonder what it is that I could write that could possibly help someone else build their testimony of Jesus Christ, and come to know their Savior better. Then I think of my friends from back home. I think of the new friends that I've made since I've been a missionary here in the Tennessee Nashville Mission. My heart is filled with so many mixed feelings and thoughts about all these people that I've grown to love up through this point in my life.

Writing a Blog as a missionary is easier than actually getting people to read it. That's where you come in. Anybody who is reading this right now. I may know you, I may not. Really that's beside the point. I know that I've been called of God to share a message of peace, happiness, joy, comfort, love, understanding, and truth with as many as the Lord puts in front of me. If this audience now includes people who read a Blog then so be it. I wish I could write some fancy and amazing catch phrase to grab your attention and suck you all in to my thoughts and words. I think that will probably never be the case though. Maybe however, I could get you to invite your friends to read these simple words:

I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. I know that he suffered, atoned, died, and was resurrected three days later for the children of men. I know that we all have a loving Heavenly Father who has a wonderful plan for all his children to return to him after this life. We live in the last days leading to the return of the Savior of the World. We are blessed to have a living prophet. Yes I truly mean a man just as Moses, Abraham, and Elijah of the Old Testament. Christ restored his church through a prophet over 180 years ago. There was an event in the history of this world that is one of the most significant and least known things to ever take place for the benefit of humanity. I plead with you all from the bottom of my heart to sincerely ponder and study out in your heart and mind the message of the Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Read the the things they ask, and don't give up if you don't understand right away. Real happiness is obtainable in this life. A life without guilt filled with joy, even when the roof is coming down around you, you can smile and know in your heart that your Father in Heaven won't abandon you. He loves you and he wants you to know the truth. Please listen and watch. Then listen to your heart.

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