Thursday, August 25, 2011

Forgiveness - ( What's most Important )

Forgiveness, something that I think we all search for in our lives, and sometimes feel like we will never get.

 What is forgiveness? What are the steps to receiving forgiveness? Why is forgiveness so important? When should we seek forgiveness in our lives?

I've been pondering these thoughts and questions in my mind now for a few days. I have had experience in my life with seeking sincere forgiveness for things that I am not proud of. I know that many people make decisions everyday with little to no time to think. Sometimes we make decisions that we have plenty of time to think about, but later we look back and wish we had chosen another path. Everyone makes poor choices in this life, if we didn't we would be perfect. Now what would be the sense of that? Sure we are all striving for perfection, hopefully, but we know that we have to make mistakes to learn and to grow, or else we will never reach the potential that God has for us.

When I think of forgiveness, I think of a feeling that brings peace, understanding, and joy to my heart, and hopefully to the hearts of those that I wronged. There are steps to seeking forgiveness. If we truly want to be forgiven of our faults and our mistakes, we must first admit that we are in the wrong. We must then feel real sorrow for what we have done. Have you ever tried to seek for forgiveness in your life for something that you weren't honestly sorry for. If you have, then you know that your desire for forgiveness will never really come, and if you are forgiven by others on their own accord, then your feelings of guilt will still be with you to haunt you as demons in your closet.

How do we overcome those haunting feelings? We must next go to our knees. If we ever want to be clean of any guilt or iniquity in our lives, we must go to him who we offend the most, our Heavenly Father. As we sincerely ask for his forgiveness with a broken heart for the things that we have done, he will give us those feelings of comfort, peace, and forgiveness that we seek. All other feelings in this life are fleeting next to those of love, joy and acceptance that come from our family, friends, and most importantly, a God who is pleased with the heart of one of his children.

With the joy and relief of those feelings, we may think that we are done in our search for true forgiveness. However, how many of us have asked for forgiveness from another, received that which we asked for, and then returned to the same offense in our weakness. The key to finding true forgiveness is to remember to forsake those things which we do wrong to others, to ourselves, and to our God.

In our moments of weakness we all feel dirty or guilt ridden for times when we know that we've fallen short of our true potential. We have an inner "gauge" if you will, in all of us that tells us when we are doing those things that will not bring true happiness, and will in fact hurt us and those around us. Some refer to this as a conscience. The scriptures teach us that we are all born with the Light if Christ : " 16. For behold, the aSpirit of Christ is given to every bman, that he may cknow good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge... 18. And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the alight by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same bjudgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged. "- (Moroni 7 : 16 & 18). 

If we use this "gauge", or actually the Light of Christ, then we can prevent those times that we are seeking forgiveness. If not prevent, we can at least limit their occurrence. I know that forgiveness is a comfort and a peace in our lives. As imperfect beings we all have to seek for forgiveness at times. I'm grateful for the Atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for a loving and patient Heavenly Father. I'm also grateful for loving and patient family and friends. I have been one to seek forgiveness many times in my life. I know that I will continue to be one to seek forgiveness. That is why I will commit myself now more then ever before to listen to the guidance of the Spirit, and to remember the Light of Christ that is in me, so that I can limit in my life, those moments of seeking earnest forgiveness for doing wrong.
"The gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ provides us at all times and at all places with the blessings of repentance and forgiveness." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I want to thank all those that have granted me forgiveness throughout my life, especially those who have recently forgiven me of my wrong doing, and in doing so inspired this blog. Thank You. I Love You. 

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