Saturday, June 18, 2011

Slow Down and Appreciate the Beauty

This morning started off as a cloudy and rainy day. Anyone who looked outside would have thought that it would be waste of time to go out into such weather, but you know, sometimes we miss the beauty in everything that God has given us.

I think that sometimes we get so focused on what we want or are hoping for that we forget what we have been given all around us. We've had a lot of gloomy days in Kentucky and Tennessee this year. We've even had some even darker days in Missouri. Through all this though, lets not loose sight of the fact that this world has many beauties to behold.

Our Father in Heaven created this world for us to notice the beauty of the life that he has blessed us with. Sure sometimes things get dark and dismal, but really when we focus beyond what we see immediately with our eyes we can find a beauty we may not have known existed.

Let's not forget the beauty of the the simple things in life. Let's not forget the beauty of the things that matter most, like our families, our friends, our smiles, and our love for life. We should all remember to sometimes slow down in life and concentrate on the beauty all around us. We should never forget that this life is a blessing from a loving Father in Heaven.

Most importantly, let's not forget the biggest blessing that God our Father has given us. Let's all remember the importance of living the Gospel of his Only Begotten, Jesus Christ, whose life and sacrifice was the greatest gift of all.

Visit for more information on the simple beauties of life and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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