Saturday, March 24, 2012

Questions of the Soul: Part 7 (Opposition in All Things)

So again I delay the writing and posting of a blog. Again I think to myself that the reason, or my excuse rather, is that I have not had any questions posed to me. Oh well. I said that I would also write about questions that I could think of if no one else did. Time to own up to my own words.

What is the question? 
Why do bad things happen to good people? If there is a God, why does he allow suffering to occur for so many in the world?

God loves each and everyone of His children. If we want to know who qualifies for that love, we need look no farther then the closest mirror. 
"21 And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son of the Eternal Father! Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw?
22 And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things.
23 And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul." - 1 Nephi 11:21-23
Our Savior Jesus Christ is the supreme example of that love. His sinless sacrifice and perfect example to us is a perfect example of the love that our Father in Heaven has for us. 

However, that still hasn't answered the question at hand. So let's dive into some more scriptures for the answer. 
" 11 For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so... righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.
12 Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God." - 2 Nephi 2:11-12
So, opposition in all things. There are two governing laws here that we must recognize. The first is the law of Justice. Justice is defined as such: the administering of deserved punishment or reward. God works all His mighty works through His own laws. Now lets define the second law. Mercy: compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power;compassion, pity, or benevolence.

The reason we need to know the definitions of these two words, is to understand how these laws work in accordance with each other to the carrying out of God's will. Now first let's not make any mistake in thinking that suffering of righteous or just people is always the will, or better, the doing of God.  There have been, are, and will continue to be times when God allows His righteous followers to endure trials that others may think are undeserving, that He may, in His divine wisdom, try them of the strength of their faith. However, those are not generally the circumstances that people dwell on when thinking about this question.

I want to use another example from the scriptures that illustrates exactly why these things occur. The following is an account in the Book of Mormon. It comes from the perspective of two missionaries who are striving to share and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to some who are willfully rejecting it. In defiance of this message these people even go to the extent of persecuting the innocent and taking their lives simply to discourage these two missionaries.
" 9 And it came to pass that they took Alma and Amulek, and carried them forth to the place of martyrdom, that they might witness the destruction of those who were consumed by fire.
10 And when Amulek saw the pains of the women and children who were consuming in the fire, he also was pained; and he said unto Alma: How can we witness this awful scene? Therefore let us stretch forth our hands, and exercise the power of God which is in us, and save them from the flames.
11 But Alma said unto him: The Spirit constraineth me that I must not stretch forth mine hand; for behold the Lord receiveth them up unto himself, in glory; and he doth suffer that they may do this thing, or that the people may do this thing unto them, according to the hardness of their hearts, that the judgments which he shall exercise upon them in his wrath may be just; and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them, yea, and cry mightily against them at the last day." - Alma 14:9-11

In order for justice to be righteously affixed to those who committed this crime before God, He allowed them to continue with their designs. The people in this scripture who suffered death were guilty of no crime deserving of such a punishment. However, in order for those who committed the crime against them to be deserving of the punishment they would receive, the hand of these two messengers of God were constrained, or withheld from stopping this awful thing.

I know that at times, especially when we are closely associated with those who suffer without great cause, it can seem that there is no love from God. I want to share something personal to me that illustrates how someone who is not deserving of times like these can overcome them with faith and knowing that even if we aren't sure right then, God does love us, and will make that love evident if we are patient. 

My oldest sister, and a great hero in my eyes, was diagnosed with leukemia when she was in highschool. Because of her cancer, she endured many trails and had to be homeschooled for a year over the phone by a tutor. She underwent treatments of both radiation and chemo therapy. She spent many nights in pain and weakness, but never did I ever hear her blame her Father in Heaven for her circumstances. Now you may think that this does not show the existence of  a God who is loving and merciful, while being just. However, my father is a Melchizedek priesthood holder. As a worthy priesthood holder he was able to give my sister blessings through by the laying on of hands to strengthen her and to convey to her the true love that her Father in Heaven feels for her. My sister has been in remission and cancer free for over a decade now. My prayer is that it will always remain that way. If however, it does not. I know that there is more to our existence then what we experience in this life. 

The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us of the Eternal Plan that our Father has for all His children. By knowing this plan, we can find the comfort in our trials that help us to realize, recognize, and feel the love that God really does have for us. His judgments are just. His mercy is shown through the example of His only begotten son Jesus Christ. His creations and works are before our eyes in every part of this world. He loves you. He will always make it possible for all of His children to endure the trials that they face. I know these things are true. I know that though we may not understand why things happen all the time, God does. His justice will make them right in the End.

Below is a video that exemplifies the faith of one man, who because of his understanding of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, is able to endure a trial that can only be described as heart breaking.

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